TRX RIP Training

Like the TRX Suspension Trainer, the TRX RIP Trainer is another approach to functional training.

Comprising of a lever bar and resistance cord, the TRX RIP Trainer utilises a broad range of variable exercises. It is suitable for all levels, from general workouts to athletic development where both explosive and rotational power is required. Specialising in biomechanics, core performance and agility, Pete Holman designed the RIP Trainer though his experience as a physical therapist and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Despite the RIP Trainer’s simplicity, it is a serious piece of training equipment.

With an unlimited range of movements the TRX RIP Trainer delivers:

  • asymmetrical loading encountered in everyday movement
  • challenges to mobility, stability, balance and coordination
  • strength and cardiovascular conditioning
  • leverage-variable resistance that allows for high-speed, low Rotational movement, and the inverse, low speed, high-load rotational movement training

and is highly suited for training in ALL sports including:

  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Hockey
  • Rowing
  • Stand Up Paddleboard

If you are seeking that edge in your rotational work, the TRX RIP Trainer can deliver that.

On a more personal note, the TRX RIP Trainer is probably one of the most versatile resistance apparatus that any person can use. In our experience, it is also one of the most empowering pieces of equipment in our studio. It allows for clients to complete a fully standing workout using the resistance band for challenge or increasing the difficulty, and is often found to be a lot of fun!

TRX RIP Training also provides an excellent alternative for clients where limited mobility makes floor workouts unsuitable due to being unable to get down onto or up from the floor comfortably.

For TRX RIP Training get in touch with us today.